1 – Squat « jump »

Lower the weight of the body onto the heels without taking the heels off the ground. Send the glutes back and tighten your abdominal strap. As you come back up, jump explosively then land with your knees bent for better cushioning.
the jump squat or “jump” squat is ideal for working on your explosiveness, your dynamism without forgetting the cardio.
2 – Chaise dos au mulberry

Place the legs at 90° and tuck in the stomach. Place your hands on your shoulders so as not to help yourself.
pure muscle building to boost your resistance.
3 – Dynamic lunges

The front knee should not exceed the tip of the foot. Feet are shoulder-width apart.
this exercise works on explosiveness, cardio and stability.
4 – Box jump

Prepare a stable support about 60cm high. Do a squat then a jump landing on the step while bending your knees.
this exercise will improve your explosiveness and your muscular resistance.
5 – Burpees

A dynamically linked squat and push-up, but who came up with this genius idea?
to push your cardio to its limits and strengthen both the lower and upper body, this is the complete exercise for you.
6 – Hindu pumps

Place your feet so that they are more than shoulder-width apart and walk them forward. Raise your hips to form an inverted “V” with your body and keep your head, neck and back aligned with your legs straight, ears between your shoulders.
Flex your arms and bring your chin close to the floor between your hands, in line with your back. Move your body forward to bring your chest close to the ground between your hands. Raise your head, arch your body by pushing on your arms and bring your hips to the floor, arm straight. Do the reverse movement to return to the “inverted V” position.
this technical movement will considerably strengthen your back, shoulder and abdominal muscles.
7 – Mountain Climber

Bring the knees to the chest alternately in a dynamic way. Only one foot should touch the ground at a time. Keep your back straight and your abdominal strap well contracted (tummy tucked in).
the Mountain Climber is both cardio and combines coordination and muscle strengthening on the entire abdominal and dorsal strap.
8 – Face sheathing

Place yourself horizontally, resting on your forearms and do not arch your lower back. The elbows should be directly above the shoulders. Bring in the belly. Put the knees on the ground without breaking the abdominal tension if it is too difficult.
sheathing is simply the best exercise for strengthening your posture and maintaining your abdominal strap.
9 – Bust lift or “Crunch”

Resting on your back, your lower back firmly on the ground. Raise the bust by blowing and pulling in the stomach as much as possible.
this exercise will strengthen your abdominal strap while drawing the famous “chocolate bars”!
10 – Crunch Spiderman

Resting on your hands, bring the knee to the outside of the elbow, alternating right and left legs.
a reinforcement of the lateral abdominals called “obliques” which are used during all your technical movements.
2 training circuits of 20 minutes to apply these exercises
Here are 2 “Home routine” training circuits of 20 minutes each to do in parallel with your home trainer or running sessions. The ideal is to perform the muscle strengthening exercises after your “cardio” session. You will thus be well warmed up muscularly and articularly.
Proper nutrition to progress
In order to maximize your workouts and recover more easily, it is important to adapt your nutrition. To best support you in the practice of your indoor sport, OVERSTIM.s has designed a new muscle building pack.
It contains everything you need to gain muscle while watching your line! Native proteins (whey and caseins) of very high quality 100% from French milk, bars rich in protein (25%) and an electrolyte drink (0 kcal) for optimal hydration during exercise.