Are you looking for ideas on what to do in your spare time so that you can be more productive in your free time. Great way to deal with the situation!

Luckily you are in the right place, in fact today I will talk to you about 5 ways to make the most of all this time that has magically started to enrich your days.

Ready to understand what to start doing from now on?

Well, let’s go now!

1. Devote yourself to reading

what to do in your free time reading quarantined books

It will seem obvious to you as advice, but how many times have you happened to say “I would love to read, but I don’t have time” ?

Well, now you have plenty of time and it’s time to start reading that book that you keep there on the bedside table to collect dust and that you promised yourself to read sooner or later.

The “sooner or later” does not really exist, we decide both what to do sooner or later .

Therefore, it is up to you to decide how to take advantage of the free time in quarantine and thinking about using it to enrich yourself seems to me an excellent solution!

But what could you actually read?

There are many ideas, I could recommend light novels, as well as super-technical books. 

There is no right or wrong book, there is only the right book for you, your needs and the situation you are experiencing.

Don’t make the mistake of starting a book unwillingly, one that many have recommended to you, but that just isn’t your thing or is not suitable for this period.

I am of the opinion that each book gives certain answers, so it must be chosen based on the questions you have : if you don’t have any questions, how will those answers fit you?

The speech is very broad, I hope you understand what I mean, but to summarize here is the final concept: always choose your readings based on your needs, because they are the ones that the book will have to fill.

If you are passionate about the digital world, like me, then you can’t miss another article in which I recommend the 10 best books on Digital Marketing not to be missed to work in the sector.

If you like, take a look, I’m sure you will appreciate it and, at the same time, it will allow you to use your free time in quarantine more productively.

2. Follow Online Courses or Masters

study productive free-time courses in quarantine

If I had to suggest the best way to be more productive in your free time and, above all, in quarantine, it would certainly be to enrich yourself as much as possible.

But what do I mean exactly?

I’m talking about investing in yourself, taking actions dedicated exclusively to your personal, professional and cultural enrichment.

In short, everything that could make you grow not only as a human being, but also as a professional.

You don’t have a job and can’t yet call yourself a “professional”?

Even better! Because this is certainly the best time to start putting your ideas straight , understand what you want to do, what you want to dedicate yourself to and start training accordingly.

There are tons of resources online, of any kind for any sector, so trust me when I tell you that you don’t need to go to the library or take a live course to learn a new profession , especially if your dream is to work in digital!

In this regard, if you still don’t know who we are, I suggest you take a look at start2impac University: you will find online Masters in Digital Marketing, Full Stack Development, UX / UI Design, Data Science and Blockchain.

You will be able to train and find the job in which to fulfill yourself, without the need for a degree or previous experience.

To date , over 1000 companies have hired start2impact University students : all training exclusively online!

This makes you understand not only the power of the digital world, but also the luck you have in having so much free time to exploit for the things you like or are useful to you.

Choosing to follow an online course or Master, therefore, is not just the beginning of a new path that will take you to a completely different level from the current one, it is a decision that could change your life , as it has been for many others. Boys.

As I said before, it is about investing in yourself and this is the best investment you can make.

3. Exercise 

what to do in your free time

It’s okay to read books, it’s okay to start taking courses too, but sooner or later you’ll have to get up from that chair, right?

Here, then it would be the case to start doing some physical activity !

This is a very important element, so much so that we also talked about it in another article in which I recommended several ways to increase productivity in remote work.

Among the various points dealt with, the importance of movement in our life was leveraged.

Being in quarantine forces us to often stand still, without the possibility of going for a run or even just walking freely on the street.

Of course, it is not a very simple situation, but there is a remedy for everything.

In fact, to be more productive in quarantine you could just start training daily so as to make the most of your free time.

This doesn’t mean lifting unsustainable weights, doing super-complicated exercises, and losing leg feeling for a day or two.

You have to start step by step so consider taking 10 minutes a day for a light workout.

As the time taken increases and also the difficulty of the exercises, you will see that proceeding gradually will allow you to approach this new world more easily (especially if you have never dedicated yourself to it).

If you don’t know where to start, there are tons of apps online that offer free tuition. 

In the article I mentioned earlier, for example, I recommended the YouTube channel of The Body Coach, a personal trainer who does daily live shows to allow his students to train together, at the same time.

If you now think you know what to do in your spare time so that you can be more productive in quarantine, know that the best part is yet to come.

Read on to find out the other two points!

4. Develop new habits

That’s right, you read that right: new habits need to be developed.

But why this? Why turn our life upside down from one day to the next?

Let’s start by saying that in recent times our life has changed without us even expecting it.

We found ourselves catapulted into a new world where actions that, until recently we took for granted, have now become distant memories that make us think that perhaps we should have appreciated those little things more.

So, we had to “adapt” to the situation and start living differently.

Now the question is only one: did we really do it? Have we really adapted? 

Or, more simply, have we allowed ourselves to be overwhelmed by everything and have we lost control of our daily life?

Okay, that was more of a question.

The meaning is: new life, new habits and you could just take advantage of the free time you have now to develop new and possibly better ones.

But how to do it? And what does “developing new habits” mean above all ?

A book that I can recommend and that will clarify any doubts on this front is The power of habits .

This manual talks about the importance of our habits, how they affect us, how we can improve them and how this can, consequently, improve our lives, making us grow as people.

Do you remember what I said earlier about investing in yourself?

If we want to start taking a course, reading a book or exercising and we don’t want to stop after just one day, it is important to be disciplined and develop a habit concerning that specific activity because only in this way can we start something, continue and be consistent. .

The secret behind all of this is that if we get used to it, we won’t feel the weight of it anymore. 

Reading that book will never be difficult for us, because by now it is an action established within us and we already know that, for example, every day after lunch we will have to read at least 10 pages.

We can also think that, after those 10 pages, we will have to study the new course we are following for at least two hours.

After that, we will have to train for at least half an hour to keep us moving.

If we repeat all these actions for at least 30 days, it is possible that a habit will develop in us and doing these things will be automatic for us .

In this case, you will need to better plan your routine so that you know exactly what to do in your spare time, increasing your productivity in quarantine.

Not sure where to start? Also in the last article I recommended to you earlier, we also talk about how to create your own routine.

5. Do what you’ve always put off

what to do in quarantine free time be more productive

We have reached the last point of things to do in your free time and I can already feel your productivity increasing dramatically!

This is perhaps the “lightest” point of all, I would almost call it a dispassionate advice to push you to do those things that you like so much , but that you have always had to postpone for one reason or another.

I’m talking about those small, apparently useless actions, which however enrich you and fill your heart and soul.

Maybe you love to draw, but you have always had to put this passion in the background because study and work have priority.

Or, again, maybe you like to cook, but you never had enough time to experiment too much, to try new recipes or to create strange dishes.

In everyday life we ​​are almost forced to be very methodical in what we do, we cannot afford major upheavals in the normal routine , we do not have all these freedoms, because we are haunted by deadlines, deadlines and jobs that we must necessarily respect.

So, if one day you feel like writing, you will probably think twice before you do it, because you continue to have the conviction that you have to use your time as productively as possible.

Conclusion: instead of giving vent to your desires, you will end up anticipating that job you think about so much , believing it could benefit you the most.

Spoiler: not so.

In the long run, continuing to prioritize tasks that do not specifically feed your passions will lead you to feel bad and annihilate yourself .

Gradually, a negative feeling, almost one of dissatisfaction, will make room, despite the fact that you are a top in the study and a war machine at work.

Do you know why?

Because we are human beings and, every now and then, we need to dedicate ourselves only and exclusively to ourselves, doing those things we like , but which have no real purpose other than to make us feel better.

If you’re looking for a way to take advantage of quarantined free time, this is the first place you should start.

In addition, if you feel calmer, you will also see your productivity in work and study increase.

It’s all connected: working on a micro-area, to improve the macro-area.


We have officially come to the end of this blogpost, I hope my tips can be useful to you and that they have given you lots of ideas on what to do in your free time to stay productive even in quarantine.

As I have often repeated to you: investing in yourself is essential in order to grow, improve and improve.

For this reason, if you are passionate about digital, I suggest you take a look at start2impact University and discover all the Masters you could undertake.

What are you waiting for? Start being more productive and making sense of your free time today!

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