To execute a timely workout, you need a well-planned routine. Find out what this type of training consists of and get going to achieve your goals.

Strength training for runners is one of the most important conditioning methods in running . This offers different benefits, such as increasing muscle power during the stride or preventing injuries to the body.

Despite this, there are still negative thoughts linked to the increase in muscle mass and strength in athletes who are dedicated to running. It is often believed that hypertrophy could slow runners down, but this is not true.

To clarify this type of doubt and understand the subject, below we will explain what strength training for runners consists of and how it should be approached.

Benefits of strength training for runners

Strength training is one of the most important for the athlete in general due to the benefits it offers, both for health and performance. Its realization must be focused according to the needs of the person and, above all, the sports discipline that is carried out.

When it comes to runners, strength training should never be overlooked . Even if you practice running and do not do this type of preparation, you should include it as soon as possible. As experts in physical activity indicate, this can favor the production of power, among other positive consequences.

Strength training for runners, as the name implies, stimulates the strength of muscle groups. In addition, it is also responsible for making them a little bigger and more resistant  without this impairing reaching high speeds.

How do runners strength train?

Runners must stimulate the strength of the different muscles of the body , in order to avoid muscular decompensation. However, the work should focus on the legs and the middle area of ​​the body, that is, lumbar muscles, abdominals, buttocks, among others.

Based on the above, we will show you a series of exercises that you can include in your training routine. The volume of these —series and repetitions— must be adapted to the needs of each individual, so professional advice is highly recommended.


The squat is basic in strength training for runners.

Squats have a number of variants that are quite useful for developing leg muscles . These are considered the main exercise for strengthening the lower extremities and should be included in the strength routine for runners.

To execute them, you must stand up, with your legs shoulder-width apart. Once in position, flex your hips and legs as you lower your buttocks back.

Try to keep your back straight and accompany the movement by bringing your arms forward. In addition, you have the option of looking for other variants of the squats and putting them into practice.

Hip bridge

Woman doing pilates with elastic bands.

As mentioned above, strength training for runners also encompasses core stimulation. This involves the development of the gluteals, which are favored by the hip bridge, an exercise that also helps strengthen the lower back and hamstrings.

If you’re going to do the hip bridge, start by getting a mat that you can lie on on your back . Rest your arms by the sides of your torso and the soles of your feet on the surface while you flex your legs.

From there, raise your lower back, hips, and buttocks. Support yourself in the dorsal zone and in the arms while executing this movement.


The plank is a great exercise to combat abdominal flaccidity.

Among isometric exercises, planks take a place on the podium . Without a doubt, this type of exercise fits perfectly into strength training for runners. Its performance on a regular basis favors muscular resistance, as well as the increase in strength in the middle area of ​​the body.

To carry it out, you only need a stable and comfortable surface. Lie on your stomach and support yourself on your forearms and the balls of your feet; hold this position by contracting your core and glutes for at least 30 seconds and perform 3 sets.

Consult a strength training coach

The exercises mentioned above can help you improve total body strength . However, they are not the only ones that can be included in a training routine.

Look for alternatives and add weight, but do not overdo it. Keep in touch with your coach and ask how you can implement and plan training in order to improve progressively and without risk of unnecessary injuries.

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