Do you want to spend time with your boy or girl but don’t know what activities for couples you can do? Games as a couple, in addition to entertaining, can be very useful to help you get to know the other better, put yourself in their place and discover things you didn’t know about him or her.

So that you can have a fun time with your partner,  we propose a list of 26 fun games for couples that you can do at home and with which you will spend great moments in the best company. Let’s go there!

Trivia games

A classic of games for couples at home that never fails to have a fun time in the company of your partner are the Trivial type question and answer games; If you don’t have the game it can be even more fun, because you will have to prepare it yourself using your creativity.

Apps for couples

If you are more technological and cannot live without your mobile phones, why not install apps for couples? We are not talking about flirting websites, these are apps to play as a couple with games and activities . You can find apps with advice for couples, daring games, apps with questions and answers, apps that launch challenges, etc.

This alternative is perfect if you are looking for games to do as a couple from a distance , since you can easily play them no matter where you are. Some of the fun online couples games that you can download to your mobile are:

  • Couple Game: Game for couples in Relationships
  • little painter
  • ONE
  • LoveX
  • Kindle
  • Brawl Stars
  • Mario Kart Tour

Board games for couples

Do you like geeky things? There is nothing like sharing your interests and hobbies with your partner! Board games are a great alternative to discover new passions together and get competitive. Will the best one win? These are some of the best board games for couples that you can try if you are bored at home.

  • Holmes: Sherlock y Mycroft
  • The Legends of Andor: Chada and Thorn
  • Jaipur
  • Mr. Jack Pocket
  • Arkham Horror
  • Twilight Struggle
  • Fungi
  • Patchwork

Tell me your secrets

How well do you know your partner? If you are looking for games to meet your partner , this is the star game for it. In turns you will have to confess to the other some secret that you do not know and that you have not told each other out of shame. It’s time to leave modesty behind and surprise your partner by telling them your most hidden secrets. It will also help you to tell each other things like when or with whom your first kiss was or your first time. The key to the game is that they are things that the other does not know about you .

 Challenges for couples

This is the typical game of questions and answers with daring challenges for those who don’t dare to answer… an original way of asking your partner questions that you haven’t dared to ask until now! Take advantage of the occasion and get information about their fantasies, desires, dreams…

Exchange of papers

One of the best ways to understand your partner is to put yourself in their shoes. Why not switch roles for a day and experience first-hand what your partner feels and experiences every day ? You can do it perfectly during the weekend, since during the week, with work, it will be difficult to change roles. An exercise in empathy with which you will have fun and you can strengthen the relationship.

Gymkhana games

A great game for couples in love or who want to have a good time doing a different activity. It consists of organizing a gymkhana in which you will have to hide clues throughout the house (from each other) and that you must solve to reach the prize. The prize could be a romantic dinner that the loser will prepare!

 Musical games

If you are looking for games for couples at home with which you can have a super fun time without going out, this is perfect! It is freestyle, that is, the only rule is that the music has to be the protagonist of the game. You will play in turns and each one will have to play one of their favorite songs and do what they want while playing; you can do a playback, dance, sing, invent a choreography… whatever comes to mind!

When it’s your partner’s turn, they’ll pick their song and do whatever they want for those minutes . It will be fun to see what you can come up with to surprise the other and decide who has had the most original ideas.

Body painting

Can you imagine practicing this body makeup technique on your partner’s body ? It can be a fun game in which you will have to get all your artistic potential. You can choose a free drawing or draw what the other proposes, an even more fun option, since you don’t want to make it easy for yourself.

A week of surprises

A fun and romantic game in which you will have to give surprise details to your partner every day. It does not have to be about bought gifts nor is the economic value important, in fact, the grace of this game is that they are details elaborated by you . If you are not very skilled at crafts, you can choose to surprise your partner with their favorite food, a dessert, a glass of wine or a moment just for you… you will love it!

Change routines

A game with which you will laugh a lot is to change the routines of everyday things . For example: change the side of the bed, change the roles in the kitchen (if one is dedicated to helping and the other to cooking), etc. It is not about exchanging roles as in the previous game, but about changing small routines that you have very internalized. You will have a fun and strange time at the same time!

Games for couples on WhatsApp

Did you know that there are many games to play as a couple on WhatsApp? These are games in pairs that you can find browsing the Internet or invent them yourself . We propose this: you have to send your partner a message in which you invite them to choose a number from 1 to 7, for example. Previously you will have assigned each number a challenge or surprise for your partner such as: organize a romantic dinner, define me with 3 words, etc.

Quiz game for couples

Here we have a game to meet your partner. This is a somewhat different quiz game for couples, since it involves questions for your boyfriend/girlfriend, but only focused on the subject of a couple, romance and cohabitation. With this game it is intended, in addition to having a good time, to know another facet of your boy or girl . You can ask questions about past relationships, learning about love or reflections, since it is a game very focused on love that will make you laugh and help you get to know each other a little better. In this compatibility game you will observe the degree of similarity that you have.

Make up stories

We propose a game so fun that it will keep you hooked for hours. It consists of the following: choose 3 words that have nothing to do with each other. Your partner must write a short story in which they must include those 3 words in the most natural way possible. The grace of this game is that you choose difficult words to combine such as: platypus, astronaut and forest.


If you want fun games for boyfriends to play at home for a while and warm up the atmosphere a bit, we suggest you create your own version of strip poker. It’s very simple, since you can adapt this classic of the sexy games for couples to the game with which you feel more comfortable. You can use card games or board games and whoever loses… will have to take off a piece of clothing! So until one of the two, or both, ends up completely naked.

Do you like these kinds of challenges? If so, try these 14 Bed Games for Couples. Only suitable for the most daring !

Couples karaoke

And as in any list of fun couple games worth its salt, we couldn’t stop recommending karaoke . A karaoke session as a couple guarantees you a good laugh. You can sing individually, but the fun thing is choosing a duet like Albano and Romina, Pablo Alboran and Ava Max or Beyonce and Coldplay.

Let’s cook!

Don’t worry, to enjoy one of the most entertaining fun couples games out there you don’t have to be a top chef … you just have to get creative!

This game consists of setting a time limit that you will choose between the two of you and giving your all to create the most fun, attractive and original dish before the alarm goes off. You will also be the judges, so be honest when choosing the winner!

Do you want some ideas? Do not miss these quick and easy desserts and these recipes with Nutella to lick your fingers.

Compose a song

While it’s true that this hobby is more fun if either of you is musically gifted (playing the guitar, piano, ukulele, singing, etc.), anyone can have a great time with this activity!

To enjoy this fun game for couples, all you have to do is compose a song together ; It can be an absurd letter accompanied by a basic melody or you can take it seriously, it will depend on each one!

Who laughs first

Look on YouTube for a video by a comedian in which many short jokes are told in a few minutes or a compilation of funny videos of animals, babies, Vines or Tik-Toks. Sit down to watch it together and see who can last without laughing… whoever laughs first will have to fulfill a challenge that the other imposes on him!

Game of mime

Another of our favorite games for couples is mime , a classic with which you will not be able to stop laughing! This game consists of each one having to get the other to guess the name of a movie, song or television series that they will mime without saying a word. Don’t cheat!

Love coupons

If you are looking for fun and romantic couple games, you cannot stop trying this one. It is about preparing a kind of coupon book or “love vouchers” in which you offer your partner a passionate kiss, 20 minutes of massage, a special dinner… each one will offer a calendar to the other and he will be able to exchange the coupons whenever you want.

Tell me your wishes

How about you tell each other your desires, concerns and ambitions? It will be great and fun to know the dreams of your partner or to know what their wishes are. In addition to having a good time, these types of games to play with your partner will help you learn more about him or her, and will give you ideas for future surprises or gifts that you can give them.

Homemade love dice

This game for couples at home consists of creating your own love dice game to play with your boyfriend/girlfriend, for which you will only need a piece of paper and a pencil. Write two piles of slips; in one you have to write down action verbs like kissing, touching, smelling, etc. and in the other, parts of the body such as the neck, nose, mouth… Each one will have to take a piece of paper from each pile and do what they have.

Fun quizzes

Search the Internet for some fun test with crazy or absurd questions to ask your partner and put yourself in the role of the interviewer (you can also invent them). Your partner will have to answer all the questions, and if they don’t, you can impose a punishment or challenge on them.


Within the fun games for couples, you cannot miss the one with emojis… do you know what it consists of? You will only have to set a time limit and during those hours communicate with your boy or girl through emojis .

So that it does not become a frustrating and difficult game, we recommend that you limit the time, because one day can take forever if one of the two is not very creative.

Bowling your way

If you are bored at home, for this game you will only need empty bottles and something that can serve as a ball. It is the traditional game of bowling but blindfolded , that is, blindfolded. Give your partner a few turns blindfolded to disorient him and then tell him where he has to go or aim to throw all the pins. One of our favorite fun couples games!

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