Men rarely say no to this small pleasure that is oral sex. But, without a condom, this practice involves risks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with various consequences depending on the case.
However, it is very difficult to assess the number of people who fall victim to an infection or illness whose cause is fellatio, because it is often coupled with other types of sexual intercourse. However, do you know these different STIs that you can catch from performing oral sex without protection?
As the HIV virus is present in the semen, it can in very rare cases be transmitted during fellatio if there is ejaculation in the mouth of the partner. However, this risk is difficult to assess. Indeed, the results of a study comprising 250 serodiscordant heterosexual couples (one HIV-positive person and the other HIV-negative) could not demonstrate a seroconversion (seronegative becomes HIV-positive) whose cause would be oral sex. On the other hand, among a hundred homosexual couples, nearly 8% of seroconversions were attributed to oral sex.
According to numerous studies, the risk of HIV transmission during fellatio would be rare in the absence of pre-existing oral lesions. However, this observation should not encourage the practice of unprotected fellatio because zero risk does not exist.
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the most common STI in the population and affect both men and women. This infection has several types, which can cause lesions in the genitals, anus or mouth. If most of the time the infected person gets rid of it naturally, the lesions can sometimes turn into a benign tumor (warts for both sexes) or malignant (cancer of the cervix). In the case of an ENT cancer (otolaryngology) whose HPV would be at the origin, the survival rate is 80 to 90% with radio-chemotherapy.
As a vaccine is now offered to adolescent girls who have not yet had sexual intercourse, the number of people infected should decrease in the coming years.
Viruses of the herpes family fall into several categories. The two most common are herpes type 1 (HSV1) and herpes type 2 (HSV2). The first is often located at the oral level while the second mainly affects the genital areas, although currently the two types of herpes are found homogeneously in these two sites.
Performing oral sex without a condom can lead to infection with herpes type 1 or 2. Antiviral treatment may be prescribed for recurrent infections.
Hepatitis B and C
As the hepatitis B virus is very contagious, it is recommended to be vaccinated before engaging in any sexual relationship with an infected person. According to numerous studies, the transmission of hepatitis C during fellatio without a condom is not described.
While HPV is the most common STI in the world, trichomonas is the most common STI. It most often affects women but it is not transmitted during an exclusively genito-oral relationship. Taking antibiotics can treat this disease.
Gonococcus and chlamydia
These two infections are transmitted three times more often during genital intercourse than during oral sex. However, if not treated in time, they can lead to complications. When they are present in the pharynx, gonococci are more difficult to treat because they are more resistant to antibiotics. As for chlamydia, genital infection results in inflammation of the cervix or fallopian tubes. But, if left untreated, it can cause infertility in women. Both of these infections are easily treated with antibiotics.
While syphilis was very discreet in the 90s, it has unfortunately experienced an explosion of new cases over the past ten years. The bacteria responsible for this infection is very contagious. Indeed, it is estimated that 50% of mucosal contacts can transmit syphilis, including unprotected fellatio. Once the partner is contaminated, ulcerations (loss of substances leading to a wound) can form on the lips, palate, tongue or tonsils. If the administration of an antibiotic makes it possible to eliminate the infection, it is however important to specify that an untreated infection can reach several organs.
Even if oral sex without a condom is much less risky than genito-genital intercourse, some infections such as HPV or herpes are easily transmitted during unprotected fellatio. Thus, if you want to avoid catching an STI, wearing a condom is obviously recommended. It is also advisable to get vaccinated against hepatitis B and HPV before having sex with a new partner.