Sexual boredom appears when you don’t get the stimulation you need to maintain interest in sexual intercourse. Learn how to get over it.

Although for some sexual intimacy is not the central axis in couple relationships, it has a reciprocal influence with affection. For this reason, when sexual boredom appears, one tends to think that the relationship is in danger or is deteriorating.

There is a prophetic part to this boredom, as there is a widespread belief that it is inevitable in a long-term monogamous relationship. What entails an inhibition of the search for renewal and satisfaction in sexual life. However, it does not always happen, since there are couples who make a great effort to take care of their sexuality.

Below, we’ll delve into the reasons that lead to this relationship situation and some expert advice to help you get through it.

Sex is in constant interaction with loving affection, so it is important to take care of it like any other pillar that sustains the relationship.

Why does sexual boredom appear?

General boredom is associated with the repetition of the same prolonged experience. However, some people enjoy repeating the same situations over and over again: eating their favorite dishes, listening to the same music or going to the same vacation spots. Exactly the same thing happens with sex: there are people who are happy with the habits they have.

However, for others it is interesting to explore new positions, places or even meet new people. So if the sexual relationship is not cultivated, it is possible that sexual boredom appears.

The need to experience new things and the tendency to lose attention when something is repeated come together with a series of beliefs and social values ​​that feed this boredom. For example, one of these beliefs is the tendency to think that monogamous relationships lead to sexual boredom, which can produce a distorted idea about sex.

Another important aspect is the presence of problems in the relationship that have little or nothing to do with sex. From the lack of communication, a bad distribution of tasks or spending little time together, among others. Everything influences, although many couples do not take this aspect into account.

How to overcome sexual boredom?

According to a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine , people who suffer from this boredom often report reduced sexual responses, low satisfaction with their affective relationships and, in the long term, their deterioration. In addition, in certain cases it has been found that it also correlates with infidelities and sexual behaviors that put personal integrity at risk.

Taking into account the above scenario, rekindling sexual interest and satisfaction can be difficult , especially if you already experience that feeling of boredom. Here are some tips from the experts to get it done.

Don’t leave it for later

Normalizing sexual boredom tends to prolong it over time, which can affect the relationship in general.

Sex is to strengthen the bond, enjoy intimacy and enjoy time as a couple. If you start to feel sexual boredom, don’t let it affect the relationship completely. It is recommended that you go to a specialist, especially if you do not know how to deal with the situation.

Explore the erotic variety

The most feasible thing is to inquire for sexual novelties that help the relationship. Behaviors such as responding positively to the integration of sexual innovations, curiosity and the possible increase in sexual frequency can be very helpful.

However, it is necessary to work first on the conception of innovation in the sexual field if any of you feel insecure, have doubts or have never done it. For example, you can use erotic stories as an opportunity to motivate yourself, among other activities. Of course, as long as, if it has been discussed before and it is agreed.

Introduce innovations in other areas

At the point where sexual boredom has affected self-interest and the quality of the relationship, it is possible that other aspects are deteriorating and influencing sexual life. For this reason, some experts recommend not only looking for novelties in sexual relations, but also rekindling the general interest in the other person to awaken the inhibited desire.

Adding variety to life in general is used as a bridge to overcome sexual boredom. Starting a hobby together, going to new places, having dinner in a nice restaurant or trying exciting activities such as extreme sports all help to reactivate feelings of attachment and fun that positively influence sexual relations.

Once interest in sex has resumed, it is important to pay attention to continue innovating and prevent boredom from reappearing.

Each couple is different, so they require special treatment when it comes to overcoming sexual boredom. It is about being honest, exploring new ways together and taking the opportunity to deepen the bond.

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