If you are not used to training your back muscles , it is never too late. Certain exercises allow you to work this area, although it is best not to force yourself and go little by little to progress without suffering any type of injury.
Exercises to strengthen the back will not only allow you to tone it, but also prevent future ailments or problems. In fact, more and more people are complaining about lower back problems and the like, and there is nothing better than preparing ourselves physically to prevent them.
Most people have to spend a lot of time sitting in an office, something that is usually associated with back pain and various problems that can end up being chronic. To counteract these evils, we show you some exercises, whose objective is to improve body posture and thereby avoid discomfort and chronic pathologies that appear over time.
Back muscles anatomy
The anatomy of the back muscles can be complex . There are several different planes of muscles in the back that often pull in different and varied directions.
The back consists of three distinct planes of muscles: the superficial plane (trapezius, rhomboid major and minor, and dorsalis), the intermediate plane (serratus posterior superior and inferior), and the deep plane (erectors, sacrum, iliac spine, lumbar vertebrae, transverse and quadratus lumborum muscle or Quadratus Lumborum).
These back muscle planes help mobilize and stabilize the trunk during daily activities. They also attach the shoulders and pelvis to the trunk, creating a bridge between the upper and lower body.
Understanding the anatomy and function of the back muscles can help you determine if (and when) you may need professional medical attention if you have a back problem.
Why should I strengthen my back?
Most of the time, many people tend to leave back muscles as an afterthought during training. However, many specialists suggest that every workout should include some focus on strengthening the back muscles . There are several reasons to make strong back muscles a priority. Some include:
Strengthening the back can improve posture
Using correct posture is a great way to prevent back pain. Instead of letting that pain take over your life, it’s better to strengthen your back muscles. This can be done with a variety of yoga poses , weight lifting, and other exercises that focus on the back. Research indicates that strong back muscles can help promote proper posture. Start making your posture a priority and work on improving the strength of your back muscles today.
Strong core muscles can help prevent back pain
Maintaining correct posture is one of the most important parts of preventing back pain , and this is closely related to your core strength. If you’re someone who struggles to sit up straight, you may want to consider adding some exercises to your routine that can help strengthen your core muscles .
Strengthening the back can ensure spinal stability
Research suggests that strong back muscles can help keep the joints in the spine free of constraint . Specialists admit that a stable spine is promoted when the back muscles can offer support and relieve some of the stress. Practice some back exercises to keep your spine in the best position.
Most effective back exercises you can do at home
Not only is it worth working on certain areas such as the legs, arms or abdomen, it is also very important to access a routine dedicated to the back without the need to use machines. Thanks to these exercises that we present to you, over time you will notice how the resistance of this area increases, while stiffness and tension disappear.
You can do them when you leave work or whenever you have a break or a few free minutes. They are quite effective and will not take much of your time.
The plank mainly works the abdomen and lower back . Lying on your stomach on a mat or mat, support yourself on the balls of your feet and the back of your forearm. With your back straight, hold this position for 15 seconds and rest.
Bring the legs to the chest
This exercise is used to tone the muscles of the abdominal area and enhance the flexibility of the hip and lower back . It consists of lying on your back with your arms at your side and your legs stretched out. The next thing is to raise one knee, bring it towards the chest and hold it with both hands. After several seconds, you have to slowly lower your leg with your back straight and do the same with the other leg.
Contralateral Plank o Superman
This resistance technique strengthens the abdomen, back and buttocks . The idea is to make a side plank. To do this, you have to raise and stretch the left arm together with the left leg and hold the body in this way for several seconds. After slowly returning to the initial resting position, repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Hip flexion
This exercise helps improve posture, tones the back, legs and buttocks, and reduces stiffness . Bring your legs together and keep your arms at your sides. Bend the knee and bring the right leg forward, while the left leg remains straight. Raise your arms above your head, with your torso stretched, and hold the position for a few seconds. Switch position with the other leg.
This exercise not only strengthens the pectorals , but requires great effort in the arms and back . Face down, support your body with the balls of your feet and the palms of your hands. Do a push-up until the elbow is in line with the shoulder, contracting the abdominal area so as not to fall into overexertion.