Many people want to watch the Star Wars movies in order, but few know how to go about it. We reveal the secrets to you in the article.

To understand the stakes of history, we will have to go back in time. The years between 1977 and 1983 marked the beginning of the Star Wars movies with the trilogy as we know it today. It was a huge hit and viewers had almost no trouble following the continuity. But the latter began to lose the line when other trilogies appear, telling stories that precede the three original films.

Star Wars: The Right Order Of The Movies 

“I took great pleasure in reversing the trajectory of the original films. If you watch them in the order they were released, IV, V, VI, I, II, III, you get a certain movie. If you watch them starting from I to VI, the result is completely different” explained George Lucas, the author of the emblematic work. It would be wiser to follow his advice before the others since he remains the first to fully understand what he has written. We will try to contemplate each episode so that you can have an idea on the thread of the story.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Even if the title seems incoherent to you for the beginning of a series, this episode is indeed the starting point of the saga. The film centers around the Battle of Yavin which resulted in the destruction of the Death Star, the demise of the Tarkin, and the victory of the Rebel Alliance. The introduction of the heroes and roles of the series then takes place successively, starting with that of Darth Vader. The appearance of the leagues is also clearly told: the Force, the Rebels, the Empire and the Jedi.

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

This episode is one of the original 3 Star Wars movies. It must be watched after Episode IV. In fact, following this order reveals more about the origin of certain Star Wars characters. 

Episode V deals with a war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. The heroes appear separately: Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO. The heroes are shown separately: Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO are out of order, while Luke Skywalker is concentrated in his training with the Jedi. Han’s imprisonment will mark the end of the latter, which will lead you to understand Volume VI.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

She directly follows the Empire Strikes Back with the rescue mission of Han by his friends. For his part, Luke wants to integrate his father , Darth Vader alias Anakin, into his camp . This follows the final downfall of the Rebel Alliance and the death of Yoda. This episode of the Star Wars films tragically recounts the extinction of Vader, when he was about to protect his son. Luke, his sister Leia, and their friends have finally come together, and the Jedi is now guided by the Force forever. This brings together the spirits of Obi-Wan, Anakin and Master Yoda.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Released 16 years after Return of the Jedi, this episode begins the prelogy of the Star Wars films. The latter relates a story preceding the trilogy that we have just discussed aloud. In this part, the spotlight turns to young Anakin Skywalker, apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon. The episode is marked by the death of this one, the accession of the future Vader in the formation of the Jedi and the intrigue on the probable revenge of the Sith.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

This second part develops the adventures of Obi-Wan, Anakin and his lover Amidala against the separatists. The latter are taking up more and more space in the galaxy, a reason why the Republic has ordered clones to eliminate them. The end is marked by a secret marriage between Anakin and the senator on the planet Naboo.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Serving as an introduction to the original trilogy, Episode III begins with the Chancellor being rescued by the Jedi and Obi-Wan. The Sith Lord persuades Anakin to protect him from the Jedi and take his side. He then transforms into Lord Vader and becomes a prisoner of his black suit after his last battle. The opus ends with the death of Padmé after the birth of Luke and Leia.

Previously, George Lucas did not agree on the realization of other continuations of the saga. But later he changed his mind. He started writing this third trilogy. Thus, by following the correct order, we see that Episode VI is not the end of Star Wars. The cosmic battles continue with Episodes VII, VIII and XI.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Being the first installment of the third trilogy, episode VII of the Star Wars films recounts events occurring some thirty years after The Return of the Jedi . The battles are between the Jedi Knights, mastering the Force, and the Lords of the Sith, dominating the dark powers. The master of these is none other than Palpatine, a disturbing element already known before. This part focuses on Rey, an abandoned orphan on Jakku, in search of complete control of the Force. At the end, she is seen holding Anakin’s lightsaber, taut on the Last of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker.

Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

Following on from The Force Awakens , it sets out the adventure of Rey, the shipwreck scavenger. After rubbing shoulders with Finn, Dameron, Han and Chewbacca, she becomes a member of the Resistance. This organization was created by Leia and Solo to fight against Snoke and Kylo Ren, their own son who wandered into the dark powers. But Solo perished in his fight with the latter after being injured by the Starkiller weapon. Eventually, Rey overpowers Kylo and then goes in search of Luke to hand him his saber.

Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Released in 2019, this installment of the Star Wars movies completes the three George Lucas trilogies. It details the stories of Rey, Leila, and the last members of the Resistance against Kylo the First Order. Their escape was planned by Luke Skywalker, who dies after losing his strength. Rey eventually masters the Force , which ends Star Wars for good.

Star Wars in chronological order

There is no harm in following the chronological order of the films. It is also a normal sequence whose marker is located on A New Hope , considered to be the original start of the series. If you want to start the saga on this path, here is the program you must adopt, with the indications in time compared to episode IV:

  •  I: The Phantom Menace (32 years before)
  • II: Attack of the Clones (22 years before)
  • III: Revenge of the Sith (19 years before)
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story (13 years before): an anecdote on the galactic journeys of Han Solo released in 2018
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (the day before): detailing events of the Rebel Alliance’s Death Star operation
  • IV: A New Hope
  • V: The Empire Strikes Back (3 years later)
  • VI: Return of the Jedi (4 years later)
  • VII: The Force Awakens (34 years later)
  • VIII: The Last Jedi (34 years later)
  • IX: The Rise of Skywalker (35 years later)
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