Imagine that you are making a dish, perhaps a tomato sauce for pasta. You want to put a touch of fresh basil to give it that characteristic aroma but when you open the refrigerator you realize that the basil you had withered and cannot be used.
The solution to always have fresh herbs at home -and coincidentally the most economical and least effortful- is to keep them alive, plant them yourself. Growing our own food is easier than it seems and if you are a beginner, try these elements first.
Because we believe that fresh herbs are better and that having them at home helps the family economy, we share some tips for growing the most common ones:
This plant loves water, so watering must be abundant, every two or three days, although in moderation as too much water can be harmful ; it is best to make sure that the earth is moist but without puddles. Basil does not resist the cold so in winter you have to offer it protection . Next to a sunny window it will grow very well.
If you plant the seeds, they will take approximately 10 days to come out. And, very important, when you see that flowers are about to come out, you have to eliminate them because then the plant will stop giving leaves.
This aromatic will do best if planted in the spring . Unlike basil, it is not a fan of water, rather it needs to be in dry soils (water every three or four days).
A piece of advice so that excess water is not a problem is that before planting, at the base of the depth of the pot, place some stones before adding the soil, so that excess water will drain perfectly.
Thyme seeds can take a month to germinate, so be patient . If there is a rush you can always buy the plant ready for transplanting at your favorite nursery. This aromatic likes to be in a sunny place and does not tolerate cold climates.
It benefits from a wide rather than a deep pot, so an extended base is ideal so the mint can grow happily. To grow mint, frequent watering is needed and it can live in places with little sunlight, so it would look good in any corner of the kitchen.
The seeds usually take between 15 and 30 days to germinate, but a good tip to avoid waiting so long is to get a fresh mint branch at least 15 centimeters long , remove the leaves from the base of the stem, leaving a few at the end of it to then bury it directly in the ground with the leaves that were not removed. If about five stems are inserted surely a couple of them will grow happily in the kitchen.
This is a plant that needs little water and likes a lot of sun . Rosemary grows very slowly from seed, up to a month, and the plant takes a long time to grow; but do not despair when cultivating, it will be a great reward.
In addition to giving spectacular flavors to dishes with pork, chicken, and even onion soup, rosemary plants are very beautiful for decorating tables, kitchens, and even patios. If you get hooked on its cultivation and flavor, it is better to buy the plants to better capitalize on them.
Ideal for sauces and for a good cactus salad. Oregano can grow in partially shaded places but it is always better if it is well sunny and will undoubtedly be the most grateful plants. It supports different climates very well , so it can live all year round.
Regarding irrigation, it is important that puddles are not made on the plant since it can rot the roots , with moderate watering every three days it will be enough. Oregano seeds germinate in more or less 20 days .
Parsley needs a lot of sun, so it is best to put it somewhere where it gets at least six hours of light a day . It likes a lot of water so we recommend watering every two days , but it is important not to leave puddles on the ground as this is never helpful.
This plant supports the shade very well, although from time to time it must be exposed to the sun . It likes abundant watering so every two days it will be fine.
An important tip regarding coriander is that as soon as it begins to flower it stops producing so many leaves, so as soon as you see flowers appear, you have to prune to have delicious coriander leaves available at home for longer . If it is going to be planted from seed, it takes about 12 days to germinate.
General tips
1. Windows are ideal places to grow.
2. When watering, touch the soil where they are. If it is very wet, do not drink; if it is very dry, it is very thirsty .
3. The pots must be at least 15 centimeters deep and the width will depend on the space you have at home, but the larger the more space the plant will have to grow.
4. If seeds are sown, it is important, as a general rule, not to bury them too deep so that they germinate without obstacles.